The Education team is committed to continual improvement of the current curriculum. In response to volunteer teacher feedback and student input, Hogar has published a fourth edition of its popular student textbook, Speak Out in English and the corresponding Teacher’s Guide. Speak Out is a text designed specifically for beginner level adult-immigrant language learners in the northern Virginia area. Among other improvements, this new edition includes:
A lesson objective listed on each page and a vocabulary review at the end of each unit
A new section on greetings
A realistic job application form and mock interview
Information on library locations in four northern Virginia counties
In addition, pages containing valuable civics information have been updated such as visiting a doctor and dentist, using the hospital and emergency room, how to call 911 and the Poison Control Center, information about the Commonwealth of Virginia, how to use the post office, how to set-up a bank account and write checks.
The Teacher’s Guide to Speak Out in English has also been edited to make it easier for teachers to incorporate communicative language activities in the classroom. Each page includes a copy of the student page with instructions, tips, and activities for teaching new material.
To order copies of Speak Out and/or the accompanying Teacher’s Guide, please contact Brooke Hammond Perez.